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Making Business with Magento — Elasticsearch module


The best way to understand customers’ needs is to think like a customer. So, we want you to answer a simple question: «What is one of the most important elements of an online store?». Among all other necessary elements, the search plays a very significant role. Moreover, the bigger your enterprise is — the more important it is to provide people with decent searching possibilities. The reason is that you should be able to find the necessary item effortlessly at any time. This makes you feel comfortable and satisfied, which motivates you to buy more and promote the shop to your friends. As a result, the search has a direct influence on the profit. What can you do to improve your capabilities? 

If you haven’t found an answer yet, we are glad to share the solution we found. A perfect extension that improves everything regarding searching. Mirasvit company designed a plugin based on the Elastic Engine technology, which allows customers to find anything they want in seconds. Learn more about it right now!

Meet ElasticSearch

What is the Magento Elasticsearch add-on? This is a collection of benefits that you will never enjoy because of the default functionality. It is critical to understand the product’s potential before purchasing it. So, why aren’t all of the advantages listed? It could be a little hard because we all have various points of view, but let’s start with the most obvious.

This plugin has a lot to show!

First and foremost, you must determine what this plugin is capable of. To be honest, there are several applications for Elasticsearch. Let us go over the features one by one to help you understand.

The first is the Auto-fill function, which allows customers to finish searches much more quickly and save time. Customers are advised to choose one of the numerous options in the addition, which anticipates future purchases. As customers input a product name, the TypeAhead feature evaluates the most popular requests in the shop to help them make the best selection. A fast mode is available to Elasticsearch users. What are the benefits of having this feature?

The next feature is customization and flexibility. Customers may find goods in milliseconds because of the foundation engine’s quickness. This is beneficial to your business since it has a significant impact on client satisfaction and sales volume. In terms of speed, the package presently has the following components:

Here are a few more features that are ready to please you:

Searching Goods

Because it analyzes all searches and presents users with intriguing options, this feature knows precisely what you want. To persuade customers to stay, the initial page should always have material that can be viewed. After making a particular request, you may also control the placement of certain items on the website.

Morphology is another essential factor to consider. It is possible that people will make mistakes that will result in no search results, which is regrettable. This is very inappropriate. The plugin makes use of sophisticated technologies to present you with morphologically suitable comparable searches.

Let’s have a look at the several search options that this plugin provides:

Any content that appears in your shop’s web version can be found. In other words, if it exists, you can look for it. And each user who sees your website will find buying on the internet a lot easier and more pleasurable as a result of this. A list of probable content categories is provided below for more information:


There is plenty to discuss when it comes to online businesses and eCommerce in general. And, in a firm like this, it’s hard to ignore the search functions. Because there are no assistants or anybody on the internet, your online consumers must do everything on their own. To put it another way, in order to satisfy clients, searching must be rapid, easy, and user-friendly. Otherwise, you risk losing clients and money, which is too risky. You can level up any shop using Elasticsearch for Magento and give users everything they desire. Furthermore, it is a low-cost, dependable solution that can be used by organizations of any size. As a result, if you want to be a market leader, this plugin is a must-have.