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Improved Sorting for Magento 2 — Organize your Catalog

Improved Sorting for Magento 2

Sorting is a crucial part of optimizing and improving the attractiveness of an online store to customers. Items are your most essential weapon and ally since everyone comes to your store to buy something. If there is a mess here, people are more likely to turn around and go somewhere else. When something isn’t where it should be, it’s difficult to find it. You’ve undoubtedly received a lot of life advice and recommendations on how to operate an online business, where to begin, and so on. But first, let us share what we know! A Magento plugin allows you to organize products and their storage in a way that no one else can. You can establish sorting laws, track how they’re applied, and improve your business with only a few clicks.

Install one of the best Magento 2 plugins to gain control of your company and see how far you can push it. We’d like to share some of our insider expertise with you in order for you to have a better understanding of the most crucial aspects of eCommerce in general and our extension in particular.

Sorting Options and Possibilities of the Module

There are various sorting options available in this module. To meet the needs of your organization, you will design your own norms and conditions. You may incorporate rating features into the criteria to make it easier and more comfortable. The module will provide a score to your combination depending on how effective it was. You may test how your inventory will seem to potential customers using the preview tool.

The ranking factor is a crucial part of searching. With this add-on, you can use any attribute as a factor, which improves search results and the overall productivity of your enterprise. You can set any factor as a global parameter to apply this factor before other conditions. So, here are some attributes you are able to choose from: 

A Few More Features

Is there anything else you can do with this add-on? Here are a couple of additional things you’ll like knowing about:

Pricing and Support

This product comes with pleasant compliments, such as excellent free support for 90 days, free lifetime updates, and a 30-days money-back guarantee. In the combination with the price, it makes the plugin a decent investment. The reason is that it’s still much cheaper to purchase a dedicated extension rather than hire professionals for help. The only problem is to find a really useful plugin that is totally worth buying it. And Mirasvit offers such a product. Besides, you can find a lot of manuals and instructions on the official page, so you will never have complications even if the support time is over. 


Organizing your catalog and making goods easy to find is obligatory for anyone who owns a shop. If people can find what they need — they will buy it from you. With such a great assistant, the Magento 2 Improved Sorting Extension, you can compete with the most popular and reputable stores on the internet. And the best thing about it is that you don’t have to waste a great amount of time or any other resources to do this. The module automates the majority of processes, making it possible for you to pay attention to other important aspects and take care of other issues. This is the way up to the top of the market. So make sure you will try such a great add-on for one of the best eCommerce platforms.